parshat Vayera
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Whenever someone as great as Avraham makes a decision to move, even if still within the Land, and the Torah decides to write about it, commentators (and hopefully we too) will want to know why he did so.
People for Avraham and Angels for Lot
The same beings that are described, when visiting Avraham, as anashim (people) (Bereishit 18:2) are described, when visiting Lot, as malachim (angels) (Bereishit 19:1). In the previous parasha, in the context of Avraham’s involvement in the war between the four kings and the five kings, the latter placed the victorious Avraham on a throne and said to him: “Rule over us; you are a god for us.” Avraham responded: “Let the world not be deprived of its King” (Bereishit Rabba 41:3). -
About Altars, Monument, and … Trees
In describing Avraham’s building of a spiritual legacy, the Torah says: “He planted an eshel in Be’er Sheva and called out there in the name of Hashem, the eternal G-d” (Bereishit 21:33). With the help of this pasuk and a difficult and extremely harsh one in Yeshaya, we will discover an unknown element of worship of Hashem practiced at the time of the forefathers. -
Child Riding a Bicycle on Shabbat
May a child ride a bicycle on Shabbat in a place that has an eiruv?
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